Review of dynamic visual acuity


Introduction and objective: To maintain gaze on a stationary target despite rapid cephalic movements we make in our everyday life, it is necessary that the vestibular system detects the velocity of the head and through the vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) induce a movement of the eye of equal magnitude and opposite direction. If this mechanism fails, as happens with the vestibular hypofunction, the patient complains of blurred vision (oscillopsia). One way of checking the operation of this reflex is through quantification of visual acuity during head movements. In this paper, we will describe tests that allow its valuation. Method: Narrative review. Results: There are two types of tools that allow us to measure the dynamic visual acuity (DVA), the clinical tests, and the computerized. Reliability can be increased if in the clinical evaluation we add some system that allows us to control the frequency and the amplitude of the movement which we induce to the head. Discussion: Clinical tests are more simple, accessible and cost-effective, and however, the computerized are more accurate, but require more expensive and less close instruments. Conclusion: Even featuring a variety of objective procedures, the clinical determination of the DVA remains useful for screening the vestibular function and to measure the degree of compensation, during rehabilitation.
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