Inspiratory stridor in neonate by cervical neuroblastoma. A case report


Introduction: Neuroblastoma is the solid tumor more frequent in the infancy, although, his cervical location is rare. It may present as a asymptomatic mass or produce stridor, dyspnea o difficulty in swallowing. Description: Patient of a one month old, male reporting inspiratory stridor. RM showed a mass compatible with an unilocular cystic lymphatic malformation in right carotid and prevertebral spaces with airway compromise. The definitive diagnosis was of neuroblastoma after surgical excision. Discussion: In RM neuroblastoma and lymphatic malformations present similar patterns. This case shows the importance of a correct differential diagnosis and approach of cervical masses in newborns.
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Gómez-González, M. R., & Díaz-Manzano, J. A. (2018). Inspiratory stridor in neonate by cervical neuroblastoma. A case report. Revista ORL, 9(1), 85–87.

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Author Biographies

María Rosario Gómez-González

HospitalUniversitario Morales Meseguer de Murcia
Servicio Otorrinolaringología. Médico Interno Residente.

Jose Antonio Díaz-Manzano

Hospital Clínico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Universidad de Murcia.
Facultativo especialista de área de Otorrinolaringología. Profesor asociado, departamento Otorrinolaringología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Murcia.