Comprehensive Performance Analysis of Neurodegenerative disease Incidence in the Females of 60-96 year Age Group

  • Afreen Khan
    Aligarh Muslim University afreen.khan2k13[at]
  • Swaleha Zubair
    Aligarh Muslim University
  • Samreen Khan
    Integral Institute of Medical Sciences and Research


Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are gradually becoming more prevalent chronic diseases, characterized by the decline in cognitive and behavioral symptoms. Machine learning is revolu-tionising almost all domains of our life, including the clinical system. The application of machine learning has the potential to enormously augment the reach of neurodegenerative care thus building it more proficient. Throughout the globe, there is a massive burden of Alzheimer’s and demen-tia cases; which denotes an exclusive set of difficulties. This provides us with an exceptional opportunity in terms of the impending convenience of data. Harnessing this data using machine learning tools and techniques, can put scientists and physicians in the lead research position in this area. The ob-jective of this study was to develop an efficient prognostic ML model with high-performance metrics to better identify female candidate subjects at risk of having Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The study was based on two diverse datasets. The results have been discussed employing seven perfor-mance evaluation measures i.e. accuracy, precision, recall, F-measure, Re-ceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) area, Kappa statistic, and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Also, a comprehensive performance analysis has been carried out later in the study.
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