Analysis Performance Of Conventional Algorithm And HMS Algorithm For Four-Way Intersection With Modified Round Robin


Traffic jam is currently one of the main problems for densely populated cities like Jakarta, Indonesia. One problem that causes traffic jams in Jakarta is that the traffic lights are too fast, which causes many cars to not be able to pass the traffic lights. There are already many algorithms to overcome this problem and get the right time for traffic lights based on how many vehicles are waiting in line, such as the HMS Algorithm and Conventional Algorithm. This research objective is to compare which algorithm has better performance to find the right amount of time for traffic lights to reduce traffic jams at four-way intersections with modified Round Robin method. And the result shown that the HMS algorithm is very suitable to be used in any condition for large or little vehicles, while conventional algorithms are only suitable to use for vehicles in the one little lane or the vehicles in one lane with other lane direction in the same place of lane
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