An Experimental Performance Comparison of Widely Used Face Detection Tools


Face detection is the task of detecting faces on photos, videos as well as the streaming data such as a webcam. Face detection, which is a specific type of general-purpose object detection, is a key prerequisite for many other artificial intelligence tasks such as face verification, face tagging and retrieval, and face tracking. In addition to that, nowadays, face detection is commonly used in daily routines such as social media, and camera software of smartphones. As a result of this necessity, several face detection tools have been proposed. In this study, an experimental performance comparison of well-known face detection tools in terms of (1) accuracy, and (2) elapsed time of detection, which has become even more critical criteria especially when the face detection mechanism is utilized for a real-time system, is proposed. As a result of this experimental study, it is aimed that shed light on the much-concerned query “which face detection tool provides the best performance?”. In addition to that, this study succeeds in showing that convolutional neural networks achieve great accuracy for face detection.
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Biografía del autor/a

Abdullah Talha Kabakus

Duzce University
Computer Engineering, Assistant Professor