Algorithm Analysis in Multi-agent Systems

  • Laura Pacheco
    University of Salamanca id00698146[at]
  • Naiara Sánchez
    University of Salamanca
  • Antoni Tur
    University of Salamanca
  • David Tellez De Meneses
    University of Salamanca


This paper presents a multi-agent system that looks for the most optimum algorithm of its type. For that purpose it will use several agents which will be in charge of testing the algorithms and comparing the outcome to see which is the most efficient.  Thanks to this procedure the most optimum procedure can be obtained.
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Pacheco, L., Sánchez, N., Tur, A., & Tellez De Meneses, D. (2019). Algorithm Analysis in Multi-agent Systems. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 8(1), 13–18.


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