Greedy Algorithms for Approximating the Diameter of Machine Learning Datasets in Multidimensional Euclidean Space: Experimental Results


Finding the diameter of a dataset in multidimensional Euclidean space is a well-established problem, with well-known algorithms. However, most of the algorithms found in the literature do not scale well with large values of data dimension, so the time complexity grows exponentially in most cases, which makes these algorithms impractical. Therefore, we implemented 4 simple greedy algorithms to be used for approximating the diameter of a multidimensional dataset; these are based on minimum/maximum l2 norms, hill climbing search, Tabu search and Beam search approaches, respectively. The time complexity of the implemented algorithms is near-linear, as they scale near-linearly with data size and its dimensions. The results of the experiments (conducted on different machine learning data sets) prove the efficiency of the implemented algorithms and can therefore be recommended for finding the diameter to be used by different machine learning applications when needed.
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Biografía del autor/a

Ahmad Hassanat

Mutah University
Ahmad B. A Hassanat is an associate professor of computer science, born and grew up in Jordan; he received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Buckingham at Buckingham, UK in 2010, and B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from Mutah University/Jordan and Al al-Bayt University/Jordan in 1995 and 2004, respectively. He has been a faculty member of Information Technology department at Mutah University since 2010. His main interests include computer vision; Machine learning, Big data analysis, Evolutionary algorithms and AI. 