Modeling of Circadian Rhythm under influence of Pain: an approach based on Multi-agent Simulation

  • Stefânia Da Silveira Glaeser
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande stefaniaglaeser[at]
  • Angélica Theis Dos Santos
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Adriano De Cezaro
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Catia Maria dos Santos Machado
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Diana Francisca Adamatti
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande


The human body has endogenous biological rhythms. One of those rhythms is the circadian rhythm, with a cycle of approximate 24 hours, that is responsible for regulating many important functions of human body. In this contribution, we propose a nonlinear coupled differential equation for modelling some agents responsible for the circadian rhythm under the influence of pain. We show results concerning the well-posedness of a solution as well as an analysis on the synchronization for each agents. We use a multi-agent simulation strategy of an corresponding model as an alternative interpretation of the pain influences in the behavior of the circadian rhythm.
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Da Silveira Glaeser, S., Dos Santos, A. T., De Cezaro, A., Machado, C. M. dos S., & Adamatti, D. F. (2018). Modeling of Circadian Rhythm under influence of Pain: an approach based on Multi-agent Simulation. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 7(2), 17–25.


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