An Indian Perspective on the adverse impact of Internet of Things (IoT)


The Internet of Things (IoT) has opened up a new era of computing where by every imaginable object is equipped with, or connected to a smart device allowing data collection and communication through the Internet. The IoT challenges individual privacy in terms of the collection and use of individuals’ personal data. This study assesses the extent to which the IoT has an adverse effects on Indian Society.  A review of various policies and laws formulated and enacted by the Govt. Of India where taken into account and various conclusions were derived based on the analyzed facts. Findings indicate that (1) the Indian policies and Laws pertaining to IoT and cyber issues are not enough to provide stiff opposition to the current pretext of fear and mishappenings and (2) future legislations must consider the implications of global reach of IoT services with respect to its citizen’s well-being.
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Ministry Of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt Of India.
Kethareswaran, V. (2017). An Indian Perspective on the adverse impact of Internet of Things (IoT). ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 6(4), 35–40.


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