Collaborative Computer-Assisted Cognitive Rehabilitation System

  • Miguel Oliver
  • José Pascual Molina
  • Antonio Fernández-Caballero
  • Pascual González


Recently have been proposed different physical and cognitive rehabilitation system that allow people with some disabilities to improve and recover some lost capabilities. All these systems allow to carry out these therapies at home proving patients the possibility to accomplish a better rehabilitation, due to the fact that they can practice at home and in a more controlled environment. But, it is not so common that these systems include some social features that reduce the feeling of social isolation of the patients. Thus, in this paper we present an adaptation of a previous proposal including some multiuser therapies that try include some social features and other aspect related to videogames that increases the motivation and makes the treatment funny.
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Oliver, M., Molina, J. P., Fernández-Caballero, A., & González, P. (2017). Collaborative Computer-Assisted Cognitive Rehabilitation System. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 6(3), 57–74.


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