Malware propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks: global models vs Individual-based models

  • Ángel Martín Del Rey
    Universidad de Salamanca delrey[at]
  • F. K. Batista
    University of Salamanca
  • A. Queiruga Dios
    University of Salamanca


The main goal of this work is to propose a new framework to design a novel family of mathematical models to simulate malware spreading in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). An analysis of the proposed models in the scientific literature reveals that the great majority are global models based on systems of ordinary differential equations such that they do not consider the individual characteristics of the sensors and their local interactions. This is a major drawback when WSNs are considered. Taking into account the main characteristics of WSNs (elements and topologies of network, life cycle of the nodes, etc.) it is shown that individual-based models are more suitable for this purpose than global ones. The main features of this new type of malware propagation models for WSNs are stated.
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Martín Del Rey, Ángel, Batista, F. K., & Queiruga Dios, A. (2017). Malware propagation in Wireless Sensor Networks: global models vs Individual-based models. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 6(3), 5–15.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ángel Martín Del Rey

Universidad de Salamanca
Profesor Titular de Universidad y Director del Departamento de Matemática AplicadaUniversidad de Salamanca

F. K. Batista

University of Salamanca
Department of Applied Mathematics

A. Queiruga Dios

University of Salamanca
Department of Applied Mathematics