Organisational Metamodel for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems: First Steps Towards Modelling Organisation Dynamics

  • Bogdan OkreŠa Ðuri?
    Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Pavlinska 2, 42000 Varaždin, Croatia dokresa[at]


The research presented in this paper is a thesis proposal with the main goal of defining an ontology comprising chosen organisational concepts applicable to large-scale multiagent systems (LSMAS), and building a metamodel for modelling selected organisational features in such systems. The method of applying aspects of human organisations to multiagent systems (MAS) comprising autonomous intelligent agents will be enriched through this research with a new perspective of modelling organisation dynamics in LSMAS. Results of this research, in their final version, will be tested using testbed scenarios based on a specific massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORPG), since MMORPGs are one of the identified application domains of LSMAS. It is important to note that results described in this paper showcase partial results in their early stage of development. Nevertheless, first traces of a modelling tool that is expected to aid in development of LSMAS for numerous application domains, and ease their organisational design, are recognisable in the proposed combination of ontology engineering, metamodelling and code generating methods.
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Biografía del autor/a

Bogdan OkreŠa Ðuri?

Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, Pavlinska 2, 42000 Varaždin, Croatia
Bogdan Okresa Duric is a doctoral candidate at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics employed on the project ModelMMORPG - Large-Scale Multi-Agent Modelling of Massively Multi-Player On-Line Role-Playing Games. His former education at the mentioned faculty, enriched by the international activity he experienced while studying, motivated him to pursue academic and scientific career in diverse fields related to semantic modelling, multiagent systems and social network analysis. Always ready for cooperation, teamwork and knowledge sharing, he is eager to make new acquaintances and reach for success with them.