Development of a Graphical Tool to integrate the Prometheus AEOlus methodology and Jason Platform

  • Rafhael Cunha
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande rcrafhaelrc[at]
  • Cleo Billa
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Diana Adamatti
    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande


Software Engineering (SE) is an area that intends to build high-quality software in a systematic way. However, traditional software engineering techniques and methods do not support the demand for developing Multiagent Systems (MAS). Therefore a new subarea has been studied, called Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE). The AOSE area proposes solutions to issues related to the development of agent oriented systems. There is still no standardization in this subarea, resulting in several methodologies. Another issue of this subarea is that there are very few tools that are able to automatically generate code. In this work we propose a tool to support the Prometheus AEOlus Methodology because it provides modelling artifacts to all MAS dimensions: agents, environment, interaction, and organization. The tool supports all Prometheus AEOlus artifacts and can automatically generated code to the agent and interaction dimensions in the AgentSpeak Language, which is the language used in the Jason Platform. We have done some validations with the proposed tool and a case study is presented.
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