Discovering the Network Topology: An Efficient Approach for SDN

  • Leonardo Ochoa-Aday
    Department of Network Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) leonardo.ochoa[at]
  • Cristina Cervelló-Pastor
    Department of Network Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
  • Adriana Fernández-Fernández
    Department of Network Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)


Network topology is a physical description of the overall resources in the network. Collecting this information using efficient mechanisms becomes a critical task for important network functions such as routing, network management, quality of service (QoS), among many others. Recent technologies like Software-Defined Networks (SDN) have emerged as promising approaches for managing the next generation networks. In order to ensure a proficient topology discovery service in SDN, we propose a simple agents-based mechanism. This mechanism improves the overall efficiency of the topology discovery process. In this paper, an algorithm for a novel Topology Discovery Protocol (SD-TDP) is described. This protocol will be implemented in each switch through a software agent. Thus, this approach will provide a distributed solution to solve the problem of network topology discovery in a more simple and efficient way.
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