Improvement in the distribution of services in multi-agent systems with SCODA

  • Jesús Ángel Román Gallego
    Universidad de Salamanca zjarg[at]
  • Sara Rodríguez González
    University of Salamanca


The distribution of services on multi-agent systems allows it to reduce to the agents their computational load. The functionality of the system does not reside in the agents themselves, however it is ubiquitously distributed so that allows you to perform tasks in parallel avoiding an additional computational cost to the elements in the system. The distribution of services that offers SCODA (Distributed and Specialized Agent Communities) allows an intelligent management of these services provided by agents of the system and the parallel execution of threads that allow to respond to requests asynchronously, which implies an improvement in the performance of the system at both the computational level as the level of quality of service in the control of these services. The comparison carried out in the case of study that is presented in this paper demonstrates the existing improvement in the distribution of services on systems based on SCODA.
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Román Gallego, J. Ángel, & Rodríguez González, S. (2016). Improvement in the distribution of services in multi-agent systems with SCODA. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 4(3), 31–46.


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