Segmentation of cDNA Microarray Images using Parallel Spectral Clustering

  • Sandrine Mouysset
    University of Toulouse sandrine.mouysset[at]
  • Ronan Guivarch
    University of Toulouse
  • Joseph Noailles
    University of Toulouse
  • Daniel Ruiz
    University of Toulouse


Microarray technology generates large amounts of expression level of genes to be analyzed simultaneously. This analysis implies microarray image segmentation to extract the quantitative information from spots. Spectral clustering is one of the most relevant unsupervised methods able to gather data without a priori information on shapes or locality. We propose and test on microarray images a parallel strategy for the Spectral Clustering method based on domain decomposition with a criterion to determine the number of clusters.
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Biografía del autor/a

Sandrine Mouysset

University of Toulouse
University of Toulouse, INP (ENSEEIHT), IRIT - 31071 - Toulouse CEDEX 7 (France)

Ronan Guivarch

University of Toulouse
University of Toulouse, INP (ENSEEIHT), IRIT - 31071 - Toulouse CEDEX 7 (France)

Joseph Noailles

University of Toulouse
University of Toulouse, INP (ENSEEIHT), IRIT - 31071 - Toulouse CEDEX 7 (France)

Daniel Ruiz

University of Toulouse
University of Toulouse, INP (ENSEEIHT), IRIT - 31071 - Toulouse CEDEX 7 (France)