User-centric cognitive assessment. Evaluation of attention in special working centres: from paper to Kinect

  • Anna Vilaro
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB anna.vilaro[at]
  • Pilar Orero
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB


PROLOG project aims to provide a complementary ICT tool for the assessment of cognitive skills of mentally disabled working people. The project is developed by Centre d’Accessibilitat i Intel·ligència Ambiental de Catalunya (CAiAC), Indra, Fundación Adecco and PRODIS, and is part of Cátedra INDRA de Tecnologías Accesibles. The project provides a platform to evaluate, in a quick and personalized way, the attentional performance of users through specific tasks grounded in existing psychological tests. Interaction with the tests is done by Kinect technology. Also a platform execution logs users in different tests over time in order to detect possible cognitive impairments. The platform records the worker’s performance on various tasks and presents the evolution over time in order to detect possible cognitive impairment. This paper details the first phase of the project corresponding to the design of the tests.
  • Referencias
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Vilaro, A., & Orero, P. (2014). User-centric cognitive assessment. Evaluation of attention in special working centres: from paper to Kinect. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2(4), 19–22.


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