A Study on the Impact of DE Population Size on the Performance Power System Stabilizers


The population size of DE plays a significant role in the way the algorithm performs as it influences whether good solutions can be found. Generally, the population size of DE algorithm is a user-defined input that remains fixed during the optimization process. Therefore, inadequate selection of DE population size may seriously hinder the performance of the algorithm. This paper investigates the impact of DE population size on (i) the performance of DE when applied to the optimal tuning of power system stabilizers (PSSs); and (ii) the ability of the tuned PSSs to perform efficiently to damp low-frequency oscillations. The effectiveness of these controllers is evaluated based on frequency domain analysis and validated using time-domain simulations. Simulation results show that a small population size may lead the algorithm to converge prematurely, and thus resulting in a poor controller performance. On the other hand, a large population size requires more computational effort, whilst no noticeable improvement in the performance of the controller is observed.
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Agbenyo Folly, K., & Fa Mulumba, T. (2022). A Study on the Impact of DE Population Size on the Performance Power System Stabilizers. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 11(1), 97–109. https://doi.org/10.14201/adcaij.27955


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