Comparative Evaluation of Techniques for n-way Stream Joins in Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Boubekeur Djail
    LCSI Department, High School of Computer Science (ESI), Algiers b_djail[at]


In wireless sensor networks, sensor data are accessed using relational queries. Join queries are commonly used to retrieve the data from multiple tables stored in different parts of a wireless sensor network. However, such queries require large amounts of energy. Many studies have intended to reduce query energy consumption. However, most of the proposed techniques addressed binary joins which are performed between static tables. N-way joins between data streams were rarely considered. Join queries using data streams work continuously and require increasing energy, which is why n-way joins involving several tables consume so much energy. Thus, the challenge lies in reducing energy dissipation. Additionally, it is necessary to determine the appropriate execution order for an n-way join. The number of possible implementations of an n-way join grows exponentially with the tables’ number. In this paper, interesting approaches for n-way joins between streams of data are evaluated. The methods that have been compared are extern-join, Sens-join of Stern et al, and the two techniques NSLJ (N-way Stream Local Join) and NSLSJ (N-way Stream Local Semi-Join). Comparisons are conducted according to several parameters to determine which use case is appropriate for each technique. NSLSJ works best for join queries with low join selectivity factors, while extern-join is more suitable for queries with very high selectivity factors.
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