CHOP: Maximum Coverage Optimization and Resolve Hole Healing Problem using Sleep and Wake-up Technique for WSN

  • Vipul Narayan
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, U.P vipulupsainian2470[at]
  • A.K. Daniel
    Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, U.P


The Sensor Nodes (SN) play an important role in various hazardous applications environments such as military surveillance, forests, battlefield, etc. The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprised multiple numbers of sensor nodes which are used to perform sensing the physical conditions and subsequently transmitting data to the Base Station (BS). The nodes have limited batteries. The random distribution of nodes in the hazardous areas causes overlapping of nodes and coverage hole issues in the network. The Coverage Optimization and Resolve Hole Healing (CHOP) Protocol is proposed to optimize the network's overlapping and resolve the coverage hole problem. The working phases of the proposed protocol are network initialization, formation of the cluster, Selection of Cluster Head, and sleep and wake-up phase. The issues are optimized, and maximum coverage is achieved for a specific sensing range. Using statistics and probability theory, a link is established between the radius of the node and the coverage area. The protocol used the sleep and wake phase to select optimal nodes active to achieve maximum coverage. The proposed protocol outperformed and showed improvements in the network's performance and lifetime compared to LEACH, TEEN, SEP, and DEEC protocols.
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