High-Performance Deep learning to Detection and Tracking Tomato Plant Leaf Predict Disease and Expert Systems
Abstract Nowadays, technology and computer science are rapidly developing many tools and algorithms, especially in the field of artificial intelligence. Machine learning is involved in the development of new methodologies and models that have become a novel machine learning area of applications for artificial intelligence. In addition to the architectures of conventional neural network methodologies, deep learning refers to the use of artificial neural network architectures which include multiple processing layers. In this paper, models of the Convolutional neural network were designed to detect (diagnose) plant disorders by applying samples of healthy and unhealthy plant images analyzed by means of methods of deep learning. The models were trained using an open data set containing (18,000) images of ten different plants, including healthy plants. Several model architectures have been trained to achieve the best performance of (97 percent) when the respectively [plant, disease] paired are detected. This is a very useful information or early warning technique and a method that can be further improved with the substantially high-performance rate to support an automated plant disease detection system to work in actual farm conditions.
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Mustafa G Saeed, Yaser Abdulaali Jasim,2018, “Developing a Software for Diagnosing Heart Disease via Data Mining Techniques”, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), Spain.
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Alsaaigh, M. O., & Saeed, M. G, Jasim, Y. A, 2020, “Designing and Implementation of a Security System Via UML: Smart Doors”, CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal), 12(1), pp. 01-22.
Alsaaigh, M. O., Flaih, T. M., & Saeed, M. G., Jasim, Y. A., 2020, “On Announcement for University Whiteboard Using Mobile Application”, CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal), 12(1), pp. 64-79.
Peter Timmer, 2002, “Agriculture and economic development”, Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Volume 2, pp. 1487-1546, Elsevier.
Praburaj L., 2018, “Role of Agriculture in the Economic Development of a Country”, Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1–5.
Khorshed Alam and John Rolfe, 2006, “Economics of Plant Disease Outbreaks”, Agenda, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 133-146.
Hanson, A. M. G. J., Joel, M. G., Joy, A., & Francis, J., 2017, “Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning and Convolutional Neural Network”, International Journal of Engineering Science.
Cortes, E., 2017, “Plant Disease Classification Using Convolutional Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks”.
Irudayaraj, J.,2009, “Pathogen Sensors”, Vol. 9, pp. 8610–8612.
Meroni, M.; Rosini, M.; Picchi, V.; Panigada, C.; Cogliati, S.; Nali, C.; Colombo, R. Asse,2008, “Assessing Steady-State Fluorescence and PRI From Hyperspectral Proximal Sensing as Early Indicators of Plant Stress: The Case of Ozone Exposure”, Vol. 8, pp. 1740–1754.
Wah Liew, O.; Chong, P.; Li, B.; Asundi, K.,2008, “Signature Optical Cues: Emerging Technologies for Monitoring Plant Health”, Vol. 8, pp. 3205–3239.
Fiallo?Olivé, Elvira; Navas?Castillo, Jesús, 2019, “Tomato Chlorosis Virus, An Emergent Plant Virus Still Expanding Its Geographical and Host Ranges”, Molecular plant pathology, Vol.20 (9), p.1307-1320, Wiley, England.
Romero, Ana M; Vega, Damián; Pizzorno, Romina; Cordon, Gabriela; Correa, Olga S, 2018, “Hydraulic and Leaf Reflectance Alterations Induced by Clavibacter Michiganensis Subsp. Michiganensis On Tomato Plants”, European journal of plant pathology, Vol.152 (2), p.567-572, Springer Netherlands.
Fenni, Soumia; Hammou, Habib; Astier, Julien; Bonnet, Lauriane; Karkeni, Esma; Couturier, Charlène; Tourniaire, Franck; Landrier, Jean-François, 2017, “Lycopene and Tomato Powder Supplementation Similarly Inhibit High-Fat Diet Induced Obesity, Inflammatory Response, And Associated Metabolic Disorders”, Molecular nutrition & food research, Vol.61 (9), Wiley, Germenay.
Ko, Jina; Baldassano, Steven N; Loh, Po-Ling; Kording, Konrad; Litt, Brian; Issadore, David, 2018, “Machine Learning to Detect Signatures of Disease in Liquid Biopsies – A User's Guide”, Lab on a chip, Vol.18 (3), p.395-405, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), England.
Lauzon, Francis Quintal,2012, “An Introduction to Deep Learning”, 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA). IEEE, 2012. p. 1438-1439.
Thabit Thabit, Yaser Jasim, 2015, “A Design of ‘Windows 7 Troubleshooting ‘Software Using Hybrid Intelligence Systems”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Management Technology, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, India.
Priyadharshini, R. Ahila et al., 2019, “Maize Leaf Disease Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks”, Neural Computing and Applications, pp. 1-9.
Jeny, Afsana Ahsan; Junayed, Masum Shah; Atik, Syeda Tanjila, 2018, “Passnet-Country Identification by Classifying Passport Cover Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks”, 21st International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT). IEEE, pp. 1-6.
Safwan O Hasoon, Yaser A Jasim, 2013, “Diagnosis Windows Problems Based on Hybrid Intelligence Systems”, Journal of Engineering Science & Technology (JESTEC), Vol. 8, Issue. 5, pp. 566-578, Malaysia.
Yani, Muhamad, 2019, “Application of Transfer Learning Using Convolutional Neural Network Method for Early Detection of Terry’s Nail”, Journal of Physics: conference series. IOP publishing, 2019.
Turaga, S. C., Murray, J. F., Jain, V., Roth, F., Helmstaedter, M., Briggman, K., Denk, W., and Seung, H. S., 2010, “Convolutional Networks Can Learn to Generate Affinity Graphs for Image Segmentation”, Neural Computation.
Mathieu, Michael; Henaff, Mikael; Lecun, Yann, 2013, “Fast Training of Convolutional Networks Through Ffts”, arXiv preprint arXiv:1312-5851.
Mustafa G Saeed, Yaser Abdulaali Jasim,2018, “Developing a Software for Diagnosing Heart Disease via Data Mining Techniques”, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), Spain.
Thabit H Thabit, Yaser A. Jasim, 2015, “A Manuscript of Knowledge Representation”, International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research, Vol. 4, Issue. 4, pp. 10-21, India.
Alsaaigh, M. O., & Saeed, M. G, Jasim, Y. A, 2020, “Designing and Implementation of a Security System Via UML: Smart Doors”, CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal), 12(1), pp. 01-22.
Alsaaigh, M. O., Flaih, T. M., & Saeed, M. G., Jasim, Y. A., 2020, “On Announcement for University Whiteboard Using Mobile Application”, CSRID (Computer Science Research and Its Development Journal), 12(1), pp. 64-79.
Peter Timmer, 2002, “Agriculture and economic development”, Handbook of Agricultural Economics, Volume 2, pp. 1487-1546, Elsevier.
Praburaj L., 2018, “Role of Agriculture in the Economic Development of a Country”, Shanlax International Journal of Commerce, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 1–5.
Khorshed Alam and John Rolfe, 2006, “Economics of Plant Disease Outbreaks”, Agenda, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 133-146.
Jasim, Y. A. (2021). High-Performance Deep learning to Detection and Tracking Tomato Plant Leaf Predict Disease and Expert Systems. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 10(2). https://doi.org/10.14201/ADCAIJ202110297122
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