Segmentation and detection of cattle branding images using CNN and SVM classification

  • Carlos Silva
    Federal Institute Farroupilha[at]
  • Juliano Weber
    Federal Institute Farroupilha
  • Bruno Belloni
    Federal Institute Sul-Rio-Grandense


This article presents a hybrid method that uses Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to segmentation and Support Vector Machines (SVM) to detection the brandings. The experiments were performed using a cattle branding images. Metrics of Overall Accuracy, Recall, Precision, Kappa Coefficient, and Processing Time were used in order to assess the proposed tool. The results obtained here were satisfactory, reaching a Overall Accuracy of 93% in the first experiment with 39 brandings and 1,950 sample images, and 95% of accuracy in the second experiment, with the same 39 brandings, but with 2,730 sample images. The processing time attained in the experiments was 32s and 42s, respectively.
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Silva, C., Weber, J., & Belloni, B. (2019). Segmentation and detection of cattle branding images using CNN and SVM classification. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 8(2), 19–32.

