Real Time Analytics for Characterizing the Computer User's State
Abstract In the last years, the amount of devices that can be connected to a network grew significantly allowing to, among other tasks, collect data about the environment or the people in it in a non-intrusive way. This generated nowadays well-known topics such as Big Data or the Internet of Things. This also opened the door to the development of novel and interesting applications. In this paper we propose a distributed system for acquiring data about the users of technological devices in a non-intrusive way. We describe how this data can be collected and transformed to produce meaningful interaction features, that reveal the state of the individuals. We analyse the requirements of such a system, namely in terms of storage and speed, and describe three prototypes currently being used in three different domains of application.
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Goebert, D., Thompson, D., Takeshita, J., Beach, C., Bryson, P., Ephgrave, K., Kent, A., Kunkel, M., Schechter, J., and Tate, J., 2009. Depressive symptoms in medical students and residents: a multischool study. Academic Medicine, 84(2):236–241.
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Kejariwal, A., Kulkarni, S., and Ramasamy, K., 2015. Real time analytics: algorithms and systems. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 8(12):2040–2041.
Khazaei, H., Fokaefs, M., Zareian, S., Beigi-Mohammadi, N., Ramprasad, B., Shtern, M., Gaikwad, P., and Litoiu, M., 2015. How do I choose the right NoSQL solution? A comprehensive theoretical and experimental survey. Submitted to Journal of Big Data and Information Analytics (BDIA).
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Mayer-Schönberger, V. and Cukier, K., 2013. Big data: A revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 978-0544227750.
McEwen, B. S., 2012. Brain on stress: how the social environment gets under the skin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(Supplement 2):17180–17185.
Pritchett, D., 2008. Base: An acid alternative. Queue, 6(3):48–55.
Soares, J. M., Sampaio, A., Ferreira, L. M., Santos, N., Marques, F., Palha, J. A., Cerqueira, J., and Sousa, N., 2012. Stress-induced changes in human decision-making are reversible. Translational psychiatry, 2(7):e131.
Stonebraker, M., 2010. SQL databases v. NoSQL databases. Communications of the ACM, 53(4):10–11.
Strous, R. D., Shoenfeld, N., Lehman, A., Wolf, A., Snyder, L., and Barzilai, O., 2012. Medical students' self-report of mental health conditions. International journal of medical education, 3:1. doi:10.5116/ijme.4ed1.d1e0.
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