Online Adapting the Magnitude of Target Birth Intensity in the PHD Filter

  • Tiancheng Li
    School of Mechatronics, Northwestern Polytechnical University[at]
  • Shudong Sun
    School of Mechatronics, Northwestern Polytechnical University


Capturing new targets that spontaneously appear in the multi-target tracking (MTT) scene requires a formation of TBI (target birth intensity) item in the PHD (probability hypothesis density) equations. That is, in the particle implementation of the PHD filter, a number of new particles with a certain weight mass are added to the underlying particle set during the propagation of the PHD. In general, TBI is assumed to hold for the same magnitude at all scans. This ad-hoc option is simple but is not always desirable. In this paper, a measurement-driven adaptive mechanism is proposed that determines the magnitude of TBI in real time based on the estimated number of new-born targets, which is calculated by employing the newest measurements. Simulation demonstration of the particle PHD filter has been provided.
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