Restricted Computations and Parameters in Type-Theory of Acyclic Recursion


The paper extends the formal language and the reduction calculus of Moschovakis type-theory of recursion, by adding a restrictor operator on terms with predicative restrictions. Terms with restrictions over memory variables formalise inductive algorithms with generalised, restricted parameters. The extended type-theory of restricted recursion (TTRR) provides computations for algorithmic semantics of mathematical expressions and definite descriptors, in formal and natural languages. The reduction calculi of TTRR provides a mathematical foundation of the work of compilers for reducing recursive programs to iterative ones. The type-theory of acyclic recursion (TTAR) has a special importance to syntax-semantics interfaces in computational grammars.
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Author Biography

Roussanka Loukanova

Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
Department of Mathematics, Ph.D., Researcher