Ensemble Boosted Tree based Mammogram image classification using Texture features and extracted smart features of Deep Neural Network


    This work proposes a technique of breast cancer detection from mammogram images. It is a multistage process which classifies the mammogram images into benign or malignant category. During preprocessing, images of Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) database are passed through a couple of filters for noise removal, thresholding and cropping techniques to extract the region of interest, followed by augmentation process on database to enhance its size. Features from Deep Convolution Neural Network (DCNN) are merged with texture features to form final feature vector. Using transfer learning, deep features are extracted from a modified DCNN, whose training is performed on 69% of randomly selected images of database from both categories. Features of Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) are merged to form texture features. Mean and variance of four parameters (contrast, correlation, homogeneity and entropy) of GLCM are computed in four angular directions, at ten distances. Ensemble Boosted Tree classifier using five-fold cross-validation mode, achieved an accuracy, sensitivity, specificity of 98.8%, 100% and 92.55% respectively on this feature vector.
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