Rosalia’s El mal querer (2018): «Di mi nombre (Cap. VIII: Éxtasis)» videoclip semiotics


At the end of 2018 the singer Rosalía Vila Tobella (Barcelona, 1993) released her second album, entitled El mal querer, acquiring great visibility in the international media, as well as significant awards such as two Latin Grammys. Simultaneously, as a musical phenomenon she has generated strong controversy on the cultural appropriation accusation, yet emerging since the beginning of the same year due to her previous work. In consequence, there has arisen a considerable number of educational videos in the YouTube platform focused on promoting the album content and musical value by dignifying it. However, there has not been an exhaustive musical analysis proposal of its songs, video clips or the marketing campaign itself adopted by Rosalía. In this sense, it is intended in this article to carry out a semiotic and hermeneutic study of the song that also has a video clip in her official YouTube channel: «Di mi nombre (Cap. VIII: Éxtasis)». In addition, iconographic analysis methodologies would be implemented, with a multidisciplinary perspective, and how the characteristics of the urban musical genres hybridized with flamenco interact in Rosalía’s music with each other. Thus, several intertextuality processes would be identified and the symbolic imaginary would be specified as a method to prove the work hypothesis.
  • Referencias
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