Was Mozart a mutant? Didactic proposals on pre-existing music in superhero movies.


With the arrival of the 21st century, a Golden age began for the superhero movies, especially, in the films based on Marvel comics. Its success is due, above all, to the adaptation to the cinema of the concept of “shared universe”, which allows to show interrelated characters and situations. This allows connecting with students of different ages, because we are talking about film characters from the last two decades. In evidence of this, the proposal will include fragments of two films that are distant in time: X2 (2003) and Thor: Ragnarok (2017). The growing popularity of these films is intensified by an abundant merchandising and the extension of this universe to other audio-visuals of growing success, such as television series. It is very motivating to establish links between the academic pretensions and the audio-visual culture of the students. In addition, these audio-visuals are part of their diverse daily environment. In fact, as it happens with comics, the consumption of these films is more evident in stages such as secondary education, high school and, above all, higher education. The proposal presented is directed to the last mentioned educational level.The didactic applications will focus on the pre-existing music used in this kind of movies. This does not imply a rejection to the music of original creation, but the smaller quantity of pre-existing music allows to limit the proposal and, especially, it favours the accomplishment of an important didactic route, thanks to the characteristics and connotations that brings that music. The versatility of these audio-visuals and their relevance for a meaningful learning is confirmed by proposing examples that include both concert music (Mozart) and popular urban music (Led Zeppelin). Finally, the pre-existing music allows alternative didactic routes and interesting transversal learning options.
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Galbis López, V. (2019). Was Mozart a mutant? Didactic proposals on pre-existing music in superhero movies. Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 1(2), 25–40. https://doi.org/10.14201/pmrt.20615


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