Rock in Primary Education: Didactic Proposal for the Subject of Music in Relation with this Popular Genre


This article shows the development and implementation in the classroom of a teaching unit around rock music. Along with their implementation, a review of the process followed will be carried out, reflecting on it. Rock has been established as the main theme for several reasons, one of the most important being how motivating this musical genre is when used for educational purposes. Furthermore, although there are other genres that are more listened to among popular music, rock is one of the most respected and recognized for harboring great cultural value. Methodologically, a sequence of activities based on this genre is proposed, developing the Primary curriculum in the Region of Murcia. During the activities, infographics will be made through the online platform «Canva», rock songs will be accompanied using percussion instruments of indeterminate height (PAI) and choreographies will be created for songs of the same musical genre. Among the methods and methodologies that will serve as the basis for these activities, we find «Cooperative Learning», «Orff-Schulwerk» and «Active Musical Listening». The results show the effectiveness of this genre in its application to the classroom, concluding the need to investigate further and delve deeper with new learning situations.
  • Referencias
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