Music Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Abstract Music therapy is a technique with which we can address practically all types of people who have some type of disorder, whether from birth or acquired during their life. In this case we are going to use music therapy focused on autism, specifically for school age, from 6 to 12 years old. What we will try to do with these students is to achieve the maximum performance of their skills, feelings and so on, since they are children who do not respond to stimuli, do not know how to express their feelings adequately, do not develop motor skills correctly on their own, have serious problems to communicate, etc. The methodology will be based on documentary study to access parallels that make an accurate interpretation possible at the educational level. The models of response to stimuli are discussed, going through the maximum development of motor skills and the development of verbal competence, trying to observe the best way for the affected person to express feelings.
- Referencias
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Benenzon, R. O. (2000). Musicoterapia. De la teoría a la práctica. Paidós.
Colwell, C. M., Edwards R.; Hernández, E.; & Brees K. (2013). Impact of Music Therapy Interventions (Listening, Composition, Orff-Based) on the Physiological and Psychosocial Behaviors of Hospitalized Children: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 28, 249-257.
Farmer, K. J. (2003). The effect of music vs. nonmusic paired with gestures on spontaneous verbal and non-verbal communication skills of children with autism between the ages 1-5 [Tesis doctoral. Florida State University].
Finnigan, E., & Starr, E. (2010). Increasing social responsiveness in a child with autism: a comparison of music and non-music interventions. Autism, 14(4), 321-348.
Kanner, L. (1943). Autistic disturbances of affective contact. Nervous Child, 2, 217-250.
Kern, P. (2012). Musicoterapia con niños pequeños con TEA y sus familias para una mejor calidad de vida. En M. Mercadal Brotons, & P. Martí Augé (Eds.), Música, musicoterapia y discapacidad (pp. 195-208). Editorial Médica JIMS.
Kern, P., Wakeford, L., & Aldridge, D. (2007). Improving the performance of a young child with autism during self-care tasks using embedded song interventions: a case study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 25(1), 43-45.
Moreno Lacárcel, J. (1990). Musicoterapia en Educación Especial. Universidad de Murcia.
Nordoff, P., & Robbins, C. (2004). Therapy in Music for Handicapped Children. Barcelona Publishers
Poch Blasco, S. P. (2001). Importancia de la musicoterapia en el área emocional del ser humano. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 42, 91-113.
Reitman, M. R., Lim, N. K., & Long, L. A. (2011). Effects of Music Therapy on Joint Attention in Children with Autism: A Pilot Study. VDM Publishers.
Talavera Jara, P. R., & Gértrudix Barrio, F. (2016). El uso de la musicoterapia para la mejora de la comunicación de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista en Aulas Abiertas Especializadas. Revista Complutense de Educación, 27(1), 257-284.
Pérez Guirado, J. A. (2023). Music Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 5, 195–203.
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