Proposal of Activities to Work with Classical Music Pieces in Primary Education


The teaching of Music History in Primary Education remains a contemporary challenge, stemming from either its inherent complexity or the prevailing lack of understanding. Despite the pervasive presence of classical music in the students' daily lives, the dearth of knowledge regarding its origins erects a formidable obstacle to its comprehension. This research endeavors to craft a series of activities aimed at elucidating the fundamental tenets of Music Education and Dance through classical compositions. Its primary objective is to equip educators with the tools necessary to demystify classical music within the classroom, thereby enabling its pedagogical delivery in an engaging and substantive manner. To realize this aim, a comprehensive investigation into the integration and historical development of classical music in national and regional curricula has been conducted. This is complemented by a meticulous examination of the various musical epochs, their eminent works, and celebrated composers. Consequently, a selection of the most pertinent pieces has been made and subsequently adapted for classroom implementation. The culmination of this research is the creation of seven sequentially arranged activities, tailored for fourth-grade students, which offer a chronological journey through the world of classical music.
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