Music Therapy and Autism: Notes for Undestanding in a Didactic Key
Abstract The following article aims to visualize music therapy and some of its keys to optimize the meaningful learning of students with Special Educational Needs, specifically, in students with autism. We will talk about the concept of music therapy and its most relevant pattern, delving into the benefits of music as a facilitating tool for social communicative and behavioral skills in students with autism, as well as the importance of the Music Therapist- student relationship and its resources in the classroom.
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Bruscia, K. (2013). Definiendo Musicoterapia. Amarú.
Edgerton, C. L. (1994). The effect of improvisational music therapy on the communicative behaviors of autistic children. Journal of Music Therapy, 31(1), 31-62.
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Katagiri, J. (2009). The Effect of Background Music and Song Texts on the Emotional Understanding of Children with Autism. Journal of Music Therapy, 46, 15-31.
Madsen, C. (1972). Research in music behavior modifyng. Lansing Norfok.
Poch, S. (1998). Compendio de Musicoterapia. Herder.
Simpson, K., & Keen, D. (2011). Music Interventions for Children with Autism: Narrative Review of the Literature. Faculty of Education, Australian Catholic University.
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Rabal Millán, M. (2023). Music Therapy and Autism: Notes for Undestanding in a Didactic Key. Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 5, 155–166.
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