Jazz Music in Feminine. Professional Projection, Educational Ecosystems and Cultural Management in Spain


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the situation of women in jazz music in Spain from a multidimensional perspective. To this end, it studies the process of institutionalization of Jazz from a gender perspective, addressing the role of formal and non-formal educational ecosystems as agents promoting the visibility and universalization of the presence of women in a musical style traditionally relegated to the male sphere. From the same perspective of gender studies, we analyze the factors and contexts that condition how women musicians approach their careers within the Jazz genre and their presence as singers, instrumentalists, producers, and cultural managers in the Spanish music industry. To this end, it analyses, from a quantitative perspective, the presence of women in the most important festivals on the Spanish jazz scene. The study allows us to conclude that, although it is true that women's insertion in the educational environment of jazz music is full and comparable to that of men, in the field of creation and performance, inequalities and imbalances are perpetuated that are due to atavistic issues, whose powerful synergies require strategic guidelines and specific actions to reverse this situation.
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