The Prima Donna: Symbolic Connections between Opera and Symphonic Metal
Abstract The concepts of prima donna and opera diva have gradually adopted a negative evaluation until the image of an eccentric and vain singer has reached our days. It seems that this image transcends the walls of classical music, being assumed in other genres such as symphonic metal. Our main objective is to compare musically, aesthetically and culturally the classical opera prima donna and the symphonic metal singer to find out if there are symbolic connections between both performers. For this, has been used an analysis through musical works, photographs and interviews where we have been able to understand a quite similar cultural approach that shows us the closeness between classical music and popular music through these performers.
- Referencias
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Walser, R. (1993). Running with the Devil: Power, Gender and Madness in Heavy Metal Music. Wesleyan University Press.
Weinstein, D. (2009). Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture. Da Capo Press Wise.
Cheng, T., & Tsai, C. (2016). Female Listeners’ Autonomic Responses to Dramatic Shifts Between Loud and Soft Music/Sound Passages: A Study of Heavy Metal Songs. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(182), s. p.
Christiansen, R. (1984). Prima Donna: A history. Ed. Bodley Head.
Cope, L. A. (2012). Black Sabbath and the Rise of Heavy Metal Music. Contracultures, 9(2), 206-208.
Cowgill, R., & Poriss, H. (2016). The Arts of the Prima Donna in the Long Nineteenth Century. Victorian Studies, 58(4), 768-771.
Freijo, J. J. (2019). Frederica Von Stade: «La ópera necesita superestrellas». Platea Magazine, 11.
González Jurado, D. (2022). Divas de los siglos XX y XXI o la manifestación del feminismo natural… ¿O feminismo popular? Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online de Divulgación Musicológica, 4(1), 31-45.
Haas, I. (2013) Joyce DiDonato: La reina del bel canto en Pro Ópera, 6, 30-35.
Holopainen, T. (21/11/2005). Carta abierta a Tarja Turunen. Mariskal Rock. Recuperado de:
Koskoff, E. (2014). A Feminist Ethnomusicology: Writings on Music and Gender. University of Illinois Pres.
Kotnik, V. (2016). The Idea of Prima Donna: The History of a Very Special Opera’s Institution. International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, 47(2), 237-287.
Lilja, E. (2009). Theory and Analysis of Classic Heavy Metal Harmony. The Finnish Music Library Association (IAML).
Martínez i García, S. (1997). Músicas populares y musicología: aportaciones al estudio del heavy metal. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 4, 241-257.
Martínez i García, S. (2003). Decibelios y testosterona: una aproximación a las imágenes de género en el rock y el heavy metal. Dossiers Feministes, 7, 101-117.
Martínez i García, S. (2007). La música moderna en la enseñanza superior de los conservatorios: el caso de la ESMUC. Eufonía: Didáctica de la Música, 40, 79-86.
Montemorra, R. (2012). Idealizing the Prima Donna in Mid-Victorian London. Cowgill.
Morris, M. (2014). Negative dialectics in music: Adorno and heavy metal, European. Journal of Cultural Studies, 17(5), 549-566.
Ortega Mantecón, A. (2021). Expiación, libertad y poder: la mujer fatal en la ópera. En S. Anchondo Pavón, A. Ortega Mantecón, & B. E. Solano Flores (Eds.), Voces al margen. Mujeres en la filosofía, cultura y arte (pp. 355-384). Editorial NUN.
Oxford Learner’s Dictionary. (s. f.). Prima Donna. En Oxford Learner’s Dictionary.
Real Academia Española. (s. f.). Prima Donna. En Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed. [versión 23.6 en línea]
Rubio. S (2011). Metal Extremo. Editorial Milenio.
Sansaloni Gimeno, M. C. (2014). Presencia de estereotipos de género en la elección de especialidad musical profesional. Quadrivium, 5. Recuperado de:
Walser, R. (1993). Running with the Devil: Power, Gender and Madness in Heavy Metal Music. Wesleyan University Press.
Weinstein, D. (2009). Heavy Metal: The Music and Its Culture. Da Capo Press Wise.
Castaño Sánchez, A. (2023). The Prima Donna: Symbolic Connections between Opera and Symphonic Metal. Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 5, 107–122.
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