From Villarino to Don Quixote and from Mayalde to Zaniki: musical and cinematographic itineraries


There is a large bibliography on popular music, traditional or oral tradition music. Something less about its presence in cinematographic creations. And much less still about the almost complete forgetfulness of the treasures that those traditions hide, half locked up, half treasured in the songbooks. One of the few exceptions is that of one of the most beautiful songs collected by the catholic priest Dámaso Ledesma at the beginning of the 20th century: El burro de Villarino, in a compilation that was awarded a state award. Sometime later that song came to the cinema thanks to Jacques Ibert. Many years later, already in the 21st century, the director Gabriel Velázquez incorporates the Mayalde group in his cinematographic creation, even dedicating a very special film to it: Zaniki. The objective of this essay is to vindicate the value of music of oral tradition against the almost complete neglect of audiovisual media and to propose its rescue through cinema or other options.
  • Referencias
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Author Biography

Antonio Notario Ruiz

Universidad de Salamanca
Profesor titular de Estética y Teoría de las Artes, Universidad de Salamanca (España) Decano de la Facultad de Filosofía