Master Suñé, a Paradigmatic Case as a Musician and Conductor in the Cinematographic Musical Accompaniment of the Third Decade of the 20th Century in Barcelona


This publication presents an initial reconstruction of the trajectory of one of those «anonymous» musicians who dedicated themselves to the musical accompaniment of films in the twenties of the last century. José Suñé Tomás appears referenced in the media and film magazines of the time as «the master Suñé» together with the orchestra of his own surname. But in this case, he is not just another name among those scattered in cultural agendas, but rather the distinction of his musical work stands out in certain reports around a cinema that still did not know what we universalize today as a musical soundtrack. Starting from the scarce biographical data available to date, the formative profile of the maestro is outlined through a hemerographic analysis, the activity carried out by the orchestra Suñé in the Kursaal and Capitol cinemas between 1923 and 1928, the musical accompaniments of the different premieres of the most important film productions of the mid-twenties, as well as the few scores located in his compositional production or as an arranger, so we can consider it a paradigmatic case of the musical fact of Spanish «silent» cinema.
  • Referencias
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