Accompanying Music

Music Diegesis in Dance Films


We define several types of audiovisual works around dance (commercial dance film, video dance, music video) to analyze the nature and function of music in each case. We propose the concept of accompanying music, which is an inheritance of the pit music of musical theater and stage dance. Such music has melodic-rhythmic characteristics that make it danceable or singable, a structure of its own, and is made in pre-production to generate and accompany the action of dance and singing during filming. It differs from incidental film music that adjusts to the structure of the editing in post-production, but does not generate it. We conclude that the accompanying music differs from non-diegetic music because it is heard by the characters and generates the dance action. This music belongs to the diegesis of the dance/choreography, but the musicians who generate it are alien to the diegesis of the dance. Regardless of whether the accompaniment has a diegetic justification or not in the musical film, its mix and spatialization is enveloping and absolute as a show music, and breaks with the spatialization realism of the diegetic music.
  • Referencias
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