Divas of the 20th and 21st centuries or the manifestation of natural feminism… or popular feminism?


The media characters that the divas of humor and extravagance have built throughout the 20th and 21st centuries have been generating a new current archetype in the collective imagination: the Divine Feminine, a profile of the complete woman in all her powers (physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and creative). The images and works of two main divas have been studied in depth: María Jiménez and Brigitte Fontaine, in addition to others who also use rebelliousness, spontaneity, mockery, humor, picaresque, scathing social criticism as lubricants and deconstructivist tools. and self-criticism. To explain this phenomenon, I have coined a new concept which I have called natural feminism, but which could perhaps be called spontaneous, popular or queer feminism.  
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