Functions and Characteristics of Music in Sound Fiction in the Case of RNE and Podium Podcast


The objective of this article is to know the importance of music whitin sound fiction on RTVE and Podium Podcast. With a mixed methodological approach, qualitative in terms of observation and interpretation of data and quantitative in terms of data collection, analysis, statistics and comparisons. The musical part is evaluated according to its internal function, external function, sound planes, musical, psychoacoustic and emotional resources. Our field of study focuses on two cases in particular with some characteristics that make them special, such as Guerra 3 (Podium Podcast) and In Cold Blood, Truman Capote from RNE, a live production proposal where the sound is released on site. The expected result of the study emphasizes the added value that music represents in sound fiction, as well as reviewing the temporal and introductory ellipses. The conclusions obtained confirm music as an added value. A decadence of diegetic music is observed due to the absence of image as well as the importance of the use of silence.
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