Musivisual analysis of the original songs of Snow White (2012) by Pablo Berger, from the analytical proposals of Ruiz Antón (2017) and Fraile Prieto (2004)


The peculiar Spanish version of Pablo Berger's Snow White (2012) stands out, among other audiovisual aspects, for its soundtrack as an indispensable narrative element. For this reason, the original songs are analysed musically and visually in their parts of the film, although it has also been necessary to relate it to the rest of the soundtrack. The musical-visual analysis is based on the analytical proposals of Ruíz Antón (2017) and Fraile Prieto (2004). The study of the original songs has been completed with interviews with the composers, the musicians and the director of the film. The combination of the theories of both authors has allowed us to cover all fields of musical, visual and narrative analysis. The witnesses and ways of working interpreted from the media have been a fundamental source for understanding the use of the original songs. It has been confirmed that in such sequences the functions are not unique, but overlapping. It has been concluded that Fraile Prieto's concept of metatext is elemental for understanding the emotional arc of the characters, and the use of these songs beyond the sequence in which they appear for the first time, as they are indirectly signified at other moments.
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Lorenzo Lancho, A. (2022). Musivisual analysis of the original songs of Snow White (2012) by Pablo Berger, from the analytical proposals of Ruiz Antón (2017) and Fraile Prieto (2004). Popular Music Research Today: Revista Online De Divulgación Musicológica, 4(1), 69–83.


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