Kings at Prayer and Sibylline Oracle. A Re-reading of Some Scenes of San Millán de la Cogolla’s Reliquary (1060-1070)


This work addresses the representation of the Hispanic kings at prayer during the Middle Ages. The king did not humiliate himself in the Asturian and later Leon traditions, but from the 11th and 12th Centuries, he was represented in a submissive actitude towards God or his Saints: much later then, than in the Carolingian or Ottonian world. The portraits of Fernando I and his wife Sancha in a fresco in San Isidoro de León, or the representation of Alfonso II in the Liber testamentorum of Oviedo, are fairly known. The same cannot be said regarding what we believe to be the first peninsular representation of this kind: the one of king Sancho Garcés IV of Navarra († 1076) with his wife Placencia in the reliquary of San Millán de la Cogolla, known as «ancient ark». The reason for this is simple; the portraits of the kings, described in the 17th Century by Prudencio de Sandoval, have disappeared. The study of Sandoval’s text allows to identify as «Canto de la Sibila» an inscription that had not attracted much attention until now. We re-establish a text much closer to the original one than Sandoval’s version and, at the same time, we propose to read rex supplicans under the portrait of Sancho instead of rex supradictus. In conclusion, we set the Navarre discourse about the humiliated royalty in a wider context. Both in Navarra and the Leon kingdoms, a new conception of royalty is imposed, legitimated through its humiliation.
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Author Biography

Patrick Henriet

École Pratique des Hautes Études