Iberian Demons. The Idiosyncratic Traits of the Hispanic Demonology in the 15th Century


This paper proposes a contextualized understanding of the idiosyncratic nature of the Hispanic demonology, usually characterized as «moderate» because of its skepticism towards the witchcraft phenomenon. Based on the study of the major writings on the devil of the 15th Century (especially, the Fortalitium fidei of Alonso de Espina), I argue that the Iberian demonological discourse’s particularities can be well understood in light of two fundamental issues, which even preexisted to the establishment of the Inquisition in Iberia: first, the importance of the presence of religious and cultural minorities in the Hispanic world of the time. In that regard, I study to what extent Jews and judaizers, in particular, operated as a sort of «substitutes» of the witch on the Iberian Peninsula. Secondly, this paper emphasizes the weight to be attached to the rumor, the regional folclore and the vox communis when it comes to understanding the original features of the demon’s war against the ecclesia in the Hispanic kingdoms.
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Cavallero, C. (2015). Iberian Demons. The Idiosyncratic Traits of the Hispanic Demonology in the 15th Century. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 33, 289–323. https://doi.org/10.14201/shhme201533289323


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Author Biography

Constanza Cavallero

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Instituto de Historia de España de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas del CONICET. Helguera 4445, Buenos Aires (Argentina), CP. 1419.