The Villagers and the Land: Peasant Perceptions in Castilian concejos, 14th-16th Centuries


From the investigation on Castilian concejos aims to understand the different perceptions that the villagers built their communities and the link with the soils that were working. The numerous land conflicts which have taken legal expression in the vast series of lawsuits Late Middle Age are now of interest to identify how peasant perceive the relationship with the land and therefore its place in the rural areas to which they belong. The importance of agricultural activities will be key in shaping a «we» peasant who dispute the legitimacy of the field against an «other one» comprised of the key segments that participate in local life and with those facing the use productive space.
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Luchía, C. (2012). The Villagers and the Land: Peasant Perceptions in Castilian concejos, 14th-16th Centuries. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 29, 207–228. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Corina Luchía

Instituto de Historia Antigua y Medieval. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET. 25 de Mayo, 221, piso. 1002 BUENOS AIRES (Argentina)