The Alcantara Order and La Serena Zone (1234-1259). The Territorial Shaping of the Alcantara Domain vis-á-vis other Church Institutions


In just twenty-five years, between 1234 and 1259, the military Alcantara Order conquered the huge area of La Serena, in eastern Extremadura, for the kingdom of Castile. Despite of the conquest’s relative ease, the actual domination of that space would carry different strains with other institutions that would take decades to solve, finally configurating a great territorial lordship which would last until the 19th century.
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Díaz Gil, F. (2011). The Alcantara Order and La Serena Zone (1234-1259). The Territorial Shaping of the Alcantara Domain vis-á-vis other Church Institutions. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 28, 207–215. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Fernando Díaz Gil

Universidad de Salamanca
Depto. de Historia Medieval, Moderna y Contemporánea. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Salamanca. C/ Cervantes, s/n. E-37002 SALAMANCA.