The Image of Early Medieval Cities and Regions of the Kingdom of Leon and Castile in the General Chronicles (from Sampiro to the «Estoria de España»)


The aim of this article is to characterize the image that the general chronicles of the 12th to 13th centuries offer regarding the historic past of Leon and Castile corresponding approximately to the 10th century, the time of the Leonese monarchy and the Earldom of Castile, with special emphasis on the image of cities and regions. The chronicles from Sampiro to Alfonso X are analysed in relation to Galicia, Asturias, Leon, Burgos, Castile and neighbouring regions. Emphasis is placed on deciphering the discourse regarding what is «urban», on understanding the cultural construction of certain symbolic places and the retrospective rewriting of the political geography of past times as well as on pondering the prejudices of «Leonists» and «Castellanists», the ideological orientation of the authors, the changes in language and the incorporation of new narrative materials to the chronicles.
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Monsalvo Antón, J. M. (2011). The Image of Early Medieval Cities and Regions of the Kingdom of Leon and Castile in the General Chronicles (from Sampiro to the «Estoria de España»). Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 28, 83–123. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

José M.ª Monsalvo Antón

Universidad de Salamanca
Catedrático de UniversidadDepto. de Historia Medieval, Moderna y Contemporánea. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Salamanca. C/ Cervantes, s/n. E-37002 SALAMANCA.