Count Casius, the Banu Qasi and the Gothic lineages in al-Andalus


This paper examines the origins of the Banu Qasi family from the conclusions of the recent Ph. D. dissertation of Jesús Lorenzo Jiménez. According to the last mentioned study, the eponymous Casius was not an important member of the most powerful Visigothic aristocracy. A genealogical memory linked to the Umayyads was created as a part of a general process of ideological reinforcement of the power of the emirs of Córdoba in al-Andalus.
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Fierro, M. (2011). Count Casius, the Banu Qasi and the Gothic lineages in al-Andalus. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 27, 181–189. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Maribel Fierro

Instituto de Filología. Centro de Ciencias Históricas y Sociales. CSIC.
Instituto de Filología. Centro de Ciencias Históricas y Sociales. CSIC. C/ Albasanz, 26-28. E-28037 – Madrid (España)