Graves, gardens and radiocarbon (8th-13th Centuries AD). Islamization process in rural districts of central Spain and other issues


The analysis of a series of recently acquired archaeological contexts from the centre of the Iberian Peninsula makes possible to sketch the shape and rhythms of the islamization process among rural communities in this region. Available data, however, force us to be cautious about the way radiocarbon results for the early medieval period are usually managed. Finally, clear transformations in the rural districts occupation between Visigothic and Emiral periods are evaluated. Unequivocal signs point to a drastic concentration of population toward a number of central places between 750 and 850 AD. This movement implies a temporary disjointing of peasant communities in respect to their intensive cultivation fields.
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Vigil-escalera Guirado, A. (2011). Graves, gardens and radiocarbon (8th-13th Centuries AD). Islamization process in rural districts of central Spain and other issues. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 27, 97–118. Retrieved from


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Alfonso Vigil-escalera Guirado

Área, S.C.M. C/ Aristóteles, 10, Bajo-B. E-28027 – Madrid (España)