The Mozarabs in the kingdom of León: 8th-11th Centuries


The text is a summary of a research about Arabic onomastics which appears in the Leonese charters until 11th Century. The outcome of the analysis of the data is the existence of a Berber settlement in the Duero basin, although this explanation does not exclude other possible origins of a Christian population, like the written documents proves.
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Fernández Conde, J. (2011). The Mozarabs in the kingdom of León: 8th-11th Centuries. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 27, 53–69. Retrieved from


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Author Biography

Javier Fernández Conde

Universidad de Oviedo
Dpto. de Historia. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad de Oviedo. Campus del Milán. C/ Teniente. Alfonso Martínez, s/n. E-33011- Oviedo (España)