Collateral Protagonists of Monastic History in Rural Areas. Local Historical Processes and Documentary Production in the Earliest Charters from the Archive of the Monastery of Oseira


This article offers a study about how local societies are presented in the charters from the former archive of the monastery of Oseira produced before and after its foundation (1025-1199). Starting from the analysis of Oseira’s diplomatic and graphic traditions alongside the historical interpretation of its written sources, this study confirms the existence of a monastic filter that pervades those charters in which the monastic community is seen intervening directly. Moreover, it is highlighted how this filter operates even in the various aspects that conform the process of documentary production (from the materiality of the charters to the composition of their contents and their diplomatic structure). Likewise, various case studies are provided to highlight how the information about local societies is relegated once the interests of the monastic institution are established. The corpus selected for this study, which includes both pre- and post-foundation documents, confirms that the aforementioned filter is found mainly, though by no means exclusively, in the charters produced after Oseira’s foundation.
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Justo Sánchez, D., & Álvarez López, F. J. (2023). Collateral Protagonists of Monastic History in Rural Areas. Local Historical Processes and Documentary Production in the Earliest Charters from the Archive of the Monastery of Oseira. Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 41(2), 85–110.


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