E cert te molt gran fama de bruixa e se fa metgessa e fa medecines. Demonizing Folk Magic and Feminine Health Practices (14th-16th Centuries)


The Late Middle Ages witnessed a change of perception regarding some health practices performed mostly by women. These practices, condemned over centuries by both ecclesiastical and secular elites, would acquire gradually a heretical and diabolical nature giving birth to the image of the witch in the early fifteenth century. The steps of this change are perceptible through the Catalan documentation; wich allows us to present a development that connects the actions against folk magic in the fourteenth century, the first witchcraft accusations in the early fifteenth and the great persecutions in modern times.
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Castell Granados, P. (2014). E cert te molt gran fama de bruixa e se fa metgessa e fa medecines. Demonizing Folk Magic and Feminine Health Practices (14th-16th Centuries). Studia Historica. Historia Medieval, 31, 233–244. Retrieved from https://revistas.usal.es/uno/index.php/Studia_H_Historia_Medieval/article/view/11738


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Author Biography

Pau Castell Granados

Universidad de Barcelona
Institut de Recerca en Cultures Medievals IRCVM. Facultat de Geografia i Història. Universitat de Barcelona. C/ Montalegre, 6. E-08001 BARCELONA.